Saturday 30 August 2008

Polo in the Olympics

Recently, watching the olympics, it really got me wondering why Polo is not included in the olympics. Random sports like water polo (actually the oldest sport in the olympic), beach volleyball, BMX, and even trampoline are olympic sports!
Yet along with TUG OF WAR, Polo got chucked out from being an olympian sport. Now we are all trying to figure out how we can get it back in, making groups, signing petitions etc etc
But lets all be honest for a second. The olympic sports, the best from each country in each sport represent their country, the BEST, not 2-4 goalers, or 12 goal tournaments- THE BEST. While in some sports (such as football), proffesionals are not allowed to play to keep it fair, in polo, you take out the proffesionals, you take out 90% of argentinean polo players. Including, and rightfully, the Adolfo Cambiaso's of the world. 
So if it was done this way, as it should be, then Argentina will not have so much of a blatant advantage over other countries, but a lot of hard working proffesionals will not reap the benefits of their sport in the olympics, including the Nina vesteys and Henry Bretts of England, John Paul Clarkin of New zealand, Selby Williamson of South Africa, and etc. May hurt, but it works in football, and does well for young polo. No?
P.s other sports like Golf, Cricket, and Base ball are not in the olympics, yet immensely popular. May be we should concentrate more on getting international awareness for the sport of polo!
P.S.S When Argentina first played in the olympics, England got beaten 11-0!!!- Shortly after, polo was taken out of the olympics. 

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